Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring Is Here!

Believe it or not, it's the end of May already! It's hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through 2008, and that our camp is only two months away. There is so much to do, and everyone is getting so excited!

Registration forms went out to the local schools this month, and we are starting to receive them back. It looks like this year's spaces will be filling up quickly! If you didn't receive a registration form, remember that you can also print one from the bottom of this page, or contact us to have one sent to you.

There are going to be some exciting changes this year that I think the kids are really going to love! In the past, the kids had to choose between having a spotlighted part and helping to make the props and backgrounds. This year, that process is a part of the daily schedule, so everyone will be able to participate. We'll be making a farm background, as well as several props and a robot! Our kids are so creative, it's going to be wonderful to watch them put it to use on these projects.

One of the biggest changes is that we will be charging a "fee" to see the show on Friday night. I think we'd all agree that watching our kids shine is worth any price...but in this case all it will cost is some non-perishable food for the Ramseur Food Bank. We are proud to support our local food bank, particularly now when the need is so great.

We are also proud to announce that we will have a nursery open to all children from babies to pre-schoolers! In the past we've noticed that occasionally the smaller members of our audience take center stage just when our wonderful performers are ready to shine. Our kids work so hard all week - we want to make sure they get to keep the spotlight! The local Boy Scout troop will be acting as ushers on our big night, and they'll be happy to show you where the nursery is.

As we get closer to our camp, more information will become available, so check back often!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Acorns to Oaks

Welcome Back!

We are moving ever closer to our camp (July 21-25), and preparations continue. Everyone involved is so excited that it's difficult to wait until camp starts to see the children returning from previous year's camps and all the new faces appearing this year!

We have chosen our production this year: Acorns to Oaks

To quote Word Music's website:

"Best-selling children's musical creator Celeste Clydesdale teaches children about growing in Christ through this fun-to-sing musical, Acorns to Oaks. As the children help Mr. MacDonald with his harvest, he teaches them the parable of the seed and the sower. When they're visited by some mischievous crows and rumor weeds, they begin to understand that the best way to produce the fruit God desires in their lives is to plant their roots firmly in God's Word."

The music for this production is a lot of fun, with a wide variety of styles that will appeal to everyone. Listen to these samples:

Remember that this camp is for everyone...not just kids who enjoy being in the spotlight! The children are involved in every aspect of the production, including making scenery and props. Over the course of the week we will enjoy daily Bible study, games, music, and fun Christian fellowship.

At the end of the camp, on Friday night, is the reward for all the hard work the children have put in through the week - our performance! This year we are adding something new - a food drive! At the end of the performance we will be collecting canned and non-perishable food to be donated to the Ramseur Food Pantry. This is a great time to give generously! After the performance, there will be an autograph signing and reception in the Fellowship Hall, where everyone can let our kids know what an amazing job they did.

We'll be looking for you!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Welcome to the 2008 Ramseur Performing Arts Camp!

The Ramseur Performing Arts Camp is a wonderful opportunity for rising first through sixth-graders to participate in all aspects of a Christian musical. There are numerous speaking and acting parts for children who enjoy the spotlight. For children who enjoy music or theatre, but aren’t comfortable in the spotlight, there are chorus and behind-the-scenes opportunities. This camp seeks to provide an opportunity to participate in a theatrical production in a Christian environment.

The Ramseur Performing Arts Camp takes place during the last full week of July, starting on Monday and culminating on Friday evening with a community performance. Our day, which begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m., is filled with scripture and new friends, as well as new experiences in a safe and nurturing environment.

Each year children from the surrounding area join us for this fun, fast-paced week. The children bring a wide variety of skills and talents to our program, and we strive to give all of them a creative outlet during our week together. Support from our community makes this amazing and unique opportunity possible. Our supporters are recognized on the t-shirts the children receive at the end of the week as well as in the program on performance night.

If you have any questions or would like to join in supporting our camp, please contact us at (336) 302-3743 or by e-mail at

Please check back often for updates on our progress toward this year's camp, scheduled for July 21-25!