Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring Is Here!

Believe it or not, it's the end of May already! It's hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through 2008, and that our camp is only two months away. There is so much to do, and everyone is getting so excited!

Registration forms went out to the local schools this month, and we are starting to receive them back. It looks like this year's spaces will be filling up quickly! If you didn't receive a registration form, remember that you can also print one from the bottom of this page, or contact us to have one sent to you.

There are going to be some exciting changes this year that I think the kids are really going to love! In the past, the kids had to choose between having a spotlighted part and helping to make the props and backgrounds. This year, that process is a part of the daily schedule, so everyone will be able to participate. We'll be making a farm background, as well as several props and a robot! Our kids are so creative, it's going to be wonderful to watch them put it to use on these projects.

One of the biggest changes is that we will be charging a "fee" to see the show on Friday night. I think we'd all agree that watching our kids shine is worth any price...but in this case all it will cost is some non-perishable food for the Ramseur Food Bank. We are proud to support our local food bank, particularly now when the need is so great.

We are also proud to announce that we will have a nursery open to all children from babies to pre-schoolers! In the past we've noticed that occasionally the smaller members of our audience take center stage just when our wonderful performers are ready to shine. Our kids work so hard all week - we want to make sure they get to keep the spotlight! The local Boy Scout troop will be acting as ushers on our big night, and they'll be happy to show you where the nursery is.

As we get closer to our camp, more information will become available, so check back often!

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